Here's a great view of the spectacular par 3 16th Hole at the Cypress Point Golf Club -made famous by many Crosby's
past. It's a 220 yard carry over the
ocean from the tee marker's in the picture below to the front of the green:

You must hit it over that retaining wall in the front of the green with
that forced carry over the ocean. With wind in your face you may
have to 'bail out' to the left side instead!

You're 'bail out' or safe lay up area is over to the left of the tee shot view about 150
yard minimum carry to where the old Cypress Tree (pictured above).
It is no longer alive nor formidable but this old propped giant is now but
a remnant of Crosby's past:

Another side view of the 16th green (in the picture above) -as you can see
it's ocean long and left of the green should you bail out long there!
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